Min Hee Kim, PhD

Research Associate

I am a population health scholar and Research Associate at the UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies. I currently hold an Assistant Professor Position at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. My overarching research seeks to bridge studies of social/environmental determinants of health and health service research to advance theoretical understanding of how health inequities are generated at the population level and inform policy and community-level interventions.

My research is organized around three lines of inquiry: 1) Examining the role of education policies for racial/ethnic integration and choice on health inequities among US children and adults, 2) Understanding whether and how modifiable structural factors such as neighborhood disadvantage generate health inequities in a diverse population, including refugee population in Denmark, 3) Validating the measure of timely diagnosis of dementia and quantifying structural determinants (i.e., racial segregation and geographic distribution of health care resources) associated with racial disparities in delayed dementia diagnosis.

For my K99/R00 work, I work closely with mentors and colleagues in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, the Department of Neurology, and the Division of Geriatrics.


Mediating pathways between neighborhood disadvantage and cardiovascular risk: Quasi-experimental evidence from a Danish refugee dispersal policy

American journal of epidemiology

Min Hee Kim, Trine Frøslev, Justin S White, M Maria Glymour, Sindana D Ilango, Henrik T Sørensen, Lars Pedersen, Rita Hamad

Individual and regional differences in the effects of school racial segregation on Black students' health.

SSM - population health

Schwartz GL, Wang G, Kim MH, Glymour MM, White JS, Collin D, Hamad R

Associations of Everyday and Lifetime Experiences of Discrimination With Willingness to Undergo Alzheimer Disease Predictive Testing.


Hill-Jarrett TG, Choi M, Buto PT, Miramontes S, Thomas MD, Yang Y, Kim MH, Sims KD, Glymour MM

Testing mediating pathways between school segregation and health: Evidence on peer prejudice and health behaviors.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Schwartz GL, Chiang AY, Wang G, Kim MH, White JS, Hamad R

Neighborhood disadvantage and the risk of dementia and mortality among refugees to Denmark: A quasi-experimental study.

SSM - population health

Kim MH, Foverskov E, Frøslev T, White JS, Glymour MM, Hainmueller J, Pedersen L, Sørensen HT, Hamad R

The association of residential racial segregation with health among U.S. children: A nationwide longitudinal study.

SSM - population health

Wang G, Schwartz GL, Kershaw KN, McGowan C, Kim MH, Hamad R

School racial segregation and long-term cardiovascular health among black adults in the US: A quasi-experimental study.

PLoS medicine

Kim MH, Schwartz GL, White JS, Glymour MM, Reardon SF, Kershaw KN, Gomez SL, Collin DF, Inamdar P, Wang G, Hamad R

Neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage and psychiatric disorders among refugees: a population-based, quasi-experimental study in Denmark.

Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology

Foverskov E, White JS, Norredam M, Frøslev T, Kim MH, Glymour MM, Pedersen L, Sørensen HT, Hamad R

School Racial Segregation and the Health of Black Children.


Wang G, Schwartz GL, Kim MH, White JS, Glymour MM, Reardon S, Kershaw KN, Gomez SL, Inamdar PP, Hamad R

Hospitalization Trajectories in Home- and Community-Based Services Recipients: The Influence of Physician and Social Care Density.

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences

Kim MH, Xiang X

Closure of 'third places'? Exploring potential consequences for collective health and wellbeing.

Health & place

Finlay J, Esposito M, Kim MH, Gomez-Lopez I, Clarke P

Caregiver stressors and depressive symptoms among older husbands and wives in the United States.

Journal of women & aging

Kim MH, Dunkle RE, Lehning AJ, Shen HW, Feld S, Perone AK

Does becoming an ADL spousal caregiver increase the caregiver's depressive symptoms?

Research on aging

Dunkle RE, Feld S, Lehning AJ, Kim H, Shen HW, Kim MH

Facilitators of home and community-based service use by urban African American elders.

Journal of aging and health

Lehning AJ, Kim MH, Dunkle RE